You have {{player.dpower.floor()}} Derivative Power, giving a {{player.pu[14] == 1 ? player.dpower.add(1).sqrt().add(1).toFixed(3) : player.dpower.add(1).log(10).add(1).toFixed(3)}}x multiplier to point production
You have a total of {{player.incrementers.add(player.workers).add(player.banks)}} buildings.
You have played this game for {{player.time.floor()}} seconds.
You have made a total of {{player.tpoints.floor()}} points.
You have collected a total of {{player.tb}} b.
You have prestiged {{player.prestiges}} times.
Your fastest prestige is {{Math.floor(player.fastestprestige)}} seconds.
You have spent {{Math.floor(player.prestigetime)}} seconds within this prestige.
You have bought {{player.puBought}} total Prestige Upgrades.